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Feb 6, 2017
Get to Your Happy Place
As much as I was talking about warm and cozy things last month, it was, in part, to help me deal with that fact that what I really love...

Jan 16, 2017
Creating Community
This month, my theme is all about the Danish concept of Hygee (pronounced hoogah). Hygee is often associated with things that are warm...

Jan 13, 2017
Beat the Winter Blues with Hygge
Winter can be a magical time of year. Snow falls and makes everything look sparkly white. We can get cozy inside with warm socks and hot...

Jan 10, 2017
The 90 Day Dash
The holidays are behind us, the new year awaits. Armoured in shiny new years resolutions, we often find that our good intentions for a...

Dec 6, 2016
Finish Strong
As the busy holiday season approaches, it can be easy to get caught up in the rush of festivities and forget that we will be crossing an...

Nov 7, 2016
Finding Your Passion Without Quitting Your Day Job
It's easy to say "Do what you love, the money will follow". In reality, that requires a huge leap of faith for some. For others, it just...

Oct 3, 2016
Trusting Your Intuition
Do you ever hear a subtle voice that tells you what you need to know. A gut feeling or first impulse. It might be a weird feeling or...

Sep 5, 2016
Sparklers for Fall - A New Year Celebration
I always get that back-to-school feeling of excited anticipation in September. It's ingrained in my psyche from so many years of school....

Aug 1, 2016
Rose Coloured Glasses
I recently read an article that said wearing sunglasses was one of the top 5 ways to bring more happiness into your life. That sounds...

May 2, 2016
Getting Team Commitment
Knowing that everyone on a team is on the same page is important to achieving goals. But how do we make sure everyone on the team is...
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