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When Jumping Out of Bed is Hard to Do

Our cottage is nestled in a quiet, magical place in Muskoka. When I waken, my eyes gaze up into the trees that surround our bedroom windows. It takes my breath away every time. I often hold my breath, afraid to move for fear that some spell will be broken by my stirring. Yet I feel the urge to jump out of bed, push the curtains wide and rush to greet the day.

It's not always easy for me to get my head off the pillow in the morning. To be honest, especially in the winter months, I tend to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed until the last possible second. I find it easier now that spring is finally in the air, but here are three tips to make springing out of bed a little easier.

Be Mindful - Take the time to discover what really makes you tick. Is it the smell of coffee or bacon cooking on the stove, beautiful scenery or the morning paper? Do you need a bit of adventure in every day or to know that you'll have a quiet moment to read a book? Really think about the gems that get you look forward to and plan for them each night before bed. It will make getting up the next morning of bed much easier if you have something to look forward to.

Be Intentional - Schedule your morning with the things that excite you the most. It will pull you out of bed if you're meeting with your favourite people first thing. Buy a coffee maker with a timer to start when you need to get up or sign up for a morning exercise class. Be intentional about how you structure your day so that you will automatically feel pulled toward something when your eyes open. Choose to put the things that matter front and centre to entice you out from under the covers.

Be Grateful - Be grateful for the things that bring you joy. Setting some time aside at the end of each day to appreciate the little moments that brought you joy will help you find more of them. It allows you time to think about how to create more opportunities for joy and pay attention to the good things in life.

If you're looking forward to doing what you love, jumping out of bed is easy. Be mindful of your passions, intentionally fill your days with the things you love and be grateful for the joy you find. You'll be much more likely to bound of bed to greet each day.

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