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Choosing Abundance - Theme versus Resolution

A new year can be an exciting time, filled with hope and energy for what lies ahead. Talk of resolutions and goals can help put some focus on what we're hoping to achieve for the year that has newly begun. This year, I choose to find a theme to hold instead of creating a list of goals or resolutions.

Share your theme with others - Telling someone about your theme for the year helps to solidify it in your mind, which also increases your commitment to it. I'm a big fan of writing things down for the same purpose, but actually speaking it out loud raises the bar. Clearly state your theme out loud to someone else and watch how things transpire.

Make space for it in your life - I start my morning ritual with a quick meditation on my theme. While picturing the word abundance in my mind, I let thoughts of all the good things in my life flow over me. I appreciate the abundance that already exists and welcome more of it. At the end of each day, I do the same thing - I hold my theme of abundance (which includes creativity, love and generosity) in my mind and allow it to settle over me as I drift off to sleep. You'd be surprised at how much more your theme will show up when you set the intention for there to be space for it.

Notice opposition and learn - When the opposite of your theme shows up, this is an opportunity for learning and growth. When I feel the lens of scarcity creeping in, I really notice the difference that choosing to stand in the perspective of abundance instead of 'not enough' can make. It's a muscle that might need exercise, but practise and continued effort to hold your theme will yield incredible results.

Pick a theme, share it with others, allow space for it and notice what trips you up. This year will be journey like no other so hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

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