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Spring Buds Need the Winter Freeze

The winter months can seem long and harsh, especially for those of us (like me) who aren't particularly fond of cold weather. I enjoy winter sports, but the freezing temperatures I could really do without. I love seeing the fuzzy buds on the tips of branches in the spring. It reminds me that amazing things have been gathering energy and are ready to make their début.

Nurture the bud. Those little buds hold such astonishing things; new green leaves, gorgeous blossoms. But they need time to get ready for the splendour they offer. In the same way, new ideas or opportunities can take time to fully form with the right mix of elements. Given enough care and attention, your 'bud' can become something amazing - prune things too early and you cut off potential opportunities.

Gather energy. Often we rush into new projects without allowing enough energy to build up. Our efforts fizzle quickly and can leave us feeling deflated from underwhelming results. Buds gather energy all winter long so that they can push and grow in the spring. In the same way, a new project or idea also might need time to gather a critical mass of energy to fully reach it's potential.

Blossom! Now is the time to let the nurturing and build-up of energy release the blossom. If your idea has had sufficient time to gather the necessary ingredients for success, it will stand a greater chance of survival at the right moment.

Recognize that you can't be an astonishing blossom all the time (much as some of us would love to be). For your next idea or project, try using the analogy of a winter season to nurture the development phase and gather sufficient energy so that you can sit back and enjoy the bloom.

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