Rose Coloured Glasses

I recently read an article that said wearing sunglasses was one of the top 5 ways to bring more happiness into your life. That sounds good to me. I often find that putting on a pair of shades can change the way I see the world and how I feel about my surroundings. It's all in the perspective we take. If you choose to put on rose coloured glasses, you're going to see the world with that hue attached to everything. Just like if you really make a choice to hold a particular perspective, it can change the way you react to certain situations.
Be Aware of Your Current Perspective - If you don't realize what lens you're using to look at things, you're not at choice. Not making a conscious choice in our decisions often leads to discontent and frustration. Once you're clear about where you currently stand, you can be more creative at coming up with alternatives. If you have a pair of really dark glasses on (like being in a stuck/negative perspective), you might not even realize how many options are available.
Choose a Different Perspective - Once you've raised your awareness about the current perspective you're holding, you can brainstorm other perspectives you might like to try on. I find coming up with at least 6 alternatives can help and usually by the time I get to 3 I've found one I'd like to hold. It's still good to come up with more just so that you can be really creative and actually make a choice. It could be like picking some cool aviators or a sunglass frame with bright polka dots. See how it makes you feel.
Take Charge and Be Intentional - Knowing that you've made a conscious choice to hold a certain perspective to stand in provides a greater sense of control over our lives and the decisions we make. This allows for greater intention and clarity about what we really want.
The main thing is to be aware of what perspective you're currently holding and make a conscious choice about what perspective you're going to stand in. Greater awareness, creates greater choice and greater choice enables the space for us to take charge and be intentional about the life we're creating. Go ahead, put on those shades and enjoy the view.