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Sparklers for Fall - A New Year Celebration

I always get that back-to-school feeling of excited anticipation in September. It's ingrained in my psyche from so many years of school. Now that I have young children it's even more poignant as they head back to class with bright smiles and excited hearts. It feels more like a new year beginning than January 1st ever does. A time to celebrate, renew and envision.

Celebrate - changing seasons and routines can be hard and stressful for many reasons. In the rush of shifting schedules in September, we often forget to take time to celebrate the way we do when we ring in a new year. It's an opportunity to embrace changes and create momentum for exciting things to come. Take a moment to light a sparkler, make a wish or gather friends and family together to honour your summer fun and envision what lies ahead. Celebrating helps put things in perspective and honours periods of change and transformation.

Renew - dust off your new year's resolutions and see what you might want to put attention on for the fall. After lazy summer days and holiday time, the fall can be an opportunity to renew your commitments or cross some of those yearly bucket list items off your list. It's an chance to press the re-set button and re-adjust your goals.

Envision - don't wait for January to pay attention to what you long for. Find a quiet moment to listen to your heart. Ask yourself, "What do I long for?" and really listen to what your answer is. Write it down. Put some meat to it. Strategize ways to make it a reality. Find a way to start moving toward what you most want and envision a path that will take you there.

Fall is an opportunity for a fresh start. Celebrate the new season and the changes it brings, renew your commitments to goals and envision the path to your hearts desire. There's no better time than now.

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