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Trusting Your Intuition

Do you ever hear a subtle voice that tells you what you need to know. A gut feeling or first impulse. It might be a weird feeling or sensation in your body. Have you ever said "I wish I had listened to my gut", or "I knew it! In the pit of my stomach, I knew it - I wish I'd paid attention." Getting in touch with your intuition can be a powerful source of information. Here are three ways you can start to strengthen your intuitive muscles.

Stop/Slow down - the next time have a 'gut feeling' or hear 'that voice in your head' take a moment to really listen to it. Brushing it aside or ignoring it won't help you get more in tune with your intuition. You might miss potentially important information that could influence your decisions.

Articulate - once you practise listening to your gut, start articulating what you're sensing. "I have a gut feeling we're missing something here" or "I sense that something is going unsaid". See how it lands with others in the room. You might be surprised to learn that others are feeling the same thing but were reluctant to say it out loud.

Trust - we are innately complex beings with much more power than we realize. We can pick up on subtle things that might otherwise go unnoticed if we pay attention. By ignoring our intuitive skills, we often overlook and miss potentially important information. Learning to listen to and trust our intuition leads to increased capacity to make informed decisions.

Like any muscle in the body it takes time to build and connect with your intuition, especially if you've been ignoring it for a long time. Try to slow down when you get that 'gut' feeling, articulate what you're feeling or sensing and trust that there's something behind it. What do you have to lose?

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