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Finding Your Passion Without Quitting Your Day Job

It's easy to say "Do what you love, the money will follow". In reality, that requires a huge leap of faith for some. For others, it just isn't practical in order to keep a roof over their head and mouths fed. But there is something to be said for the joy that comes with giving your passionate energy to the world.

If your days aren't entirely fulfilling, there are ways to carve out time for what you love while your main income stream remains intact. In my opinion, doing what you love doesn't have to mean that your whole day is spent only doing what you're most passionate about. That simply isn't realistic. The following are three ways to increase the amount of passion in your life without quitting your day job.

Join a Common Interest Group or take a class - search for groups or courses that meet regularly in your area. If there isn't one, create one. Meeting with others that share your interests is a great way to get in touch with what you love while providing an outlet for you to share and be connected.

Volunteer - find an organization that does the work that you are most passionate about and volunteer with them. Even if it's in a small capacity, being involved with an organization in an area that really interests you, will provide a sense of connection to your passions.

Schedule a Power Hour - take an hour of your day and schedule a 'power hour'. During this time, do something that makes your heart sing. Whether it's going to the gym, meditating, painting, writing, singing, playing music, socializing, or reading, make sure you schedule time in every day to that thing that you love.

My advice? Do whatever it takes to make sure that your life is sprinkled with enough of your passion to make you feel an overall sense of fulfilment. The more time we spend in our fulfilled state, the more passion we have to give. It's a back and forth that fuels itself given enough time and space. Don't over think it. Just make as much time as you can for the things you love the most and good things really will follow.

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