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Finish Strong

As the busy holiday season approaches, it can be easy to get caught up in the rush of festivities and forget that we will be crossing an important milestone. One year is ending a new one is beginning. As with every transition, completing one thing properly allows for our energy to be fully present in the next. In a race, would you stop running when the finish line came into view? No. You would give it all you had to finish strong. So take the time to consider the year that is about to end in terms of achievements, losses and transformation in order to complete with strength, not fizzle.

Achievements - cherish all the wins you've had over the year, however small the triumphs. What meaning do these accomplishments hold for you? Have they changed you or taught you anything? How do you want to celebrate your breakthroughs?

Losses - tally up the failures, disappointments or breakdowns and consider their impact on you. What role have you played in these letdowns? How have they shaped your year?

Transformation - think about where you have had big lessons this year. What have been big 'ah ha' moments for you? How have you changed or impacted those around you in a positive way? Where do you need to put energy for the year ahead? What do you envision for yourself in the coming year?

Carve out a bit of time to finish your year strong. Really consider these three things; achievements, losses and transformation. Journal, debrief with a close friend, burn things in flames or quietly meditate, whatever suits your fancy. But take the time to complete your year properly. Once you have, say out loud, "I am complete". Powerfully cross the 2016 finish line and move with intention toward whatever lies ahead.

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