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The 90 Day Dash

The holidays are behind us, the new year awaits. Armoured in shiny new years resolutions, we often find that our good intentions for a fresh start fizzle out sooner than we'd planned. So, instead of looking at your goals like a marathon for the year, try a 90 day sprint instead. You can do this for yourself, or with your team.

90 days at a time - it's much easier to maintain momentum, intensity and focus for three months than 12. You're less likely to get overwhelmed, discouraged or throw in the towel when the end is in sight.

Create three to five objectives - these are clear, concise and measurable objectives that will take priority over everything else in the next 90 days. The most important things that must get done at all costs. If you are working with a team, everyone will play a role in getting these done. Clearly communicate the objectives and make sure everyone knows what's at stake.

Sprint to the finish line - put your heart and soul into accomplishing the objectives you've set out for the next 90 days. Keep your eye on the end game and regularly check in to keep yourself on track. Post the objectives where they are constantly visible to help keep them top of mind, knowing that a reward awaits when it's over.

Reward - give yourself a well deserved reward for your hard earned efforts after 90 days. Take a short vacation (or a longer one if you need) to celebrate your success, refresh, re-charge and rejuvenate. Then head to the starting line again for the next exhilarating 90 day sprint. You'll be laser focused with clear objectives to accomplish in much more manageable chunks.

Most of us only have a certain amount of energy that can be maintained for extended periods of time. Running a marathon for 365 days would be an overwhelming task and nearly impossible to keep up the intensity. Try out a 90 day sprint with three to five clear objectives, go like hell and reward yourself when it's done.

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