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Beat the Winter Blues with Hygge

Winter can be a magical time of year. Snow falls and makes everything look sparkly white. We can get cozy inside with warm socks and hot drinks or get outside and shake the crazies off. And we also often get the blues with low light levels and sub zero temperatures. The Danish word hygee captures the essence of surviving the winter months. Pronounced hooguh, it is a feeling or mood that comes from taking genuine pleasure in making ordinary everyday things simply extraordinary. It's really about creating a good social atmosphere. And that can be done even in the dead of winter. Finding outdoor activities that you enjoy, creating warmth around you and taking it outside are three ways to embrace hygge and survive the winter months.

Embrace winter sports - bundle up and go skate at your local rink. . Find an ice trail to try out (Arrowhead Park has a great one). Cross country ski on your favourite summer hiking trail. Hit the slopes at the nearest downhill ski resort. Strap on some snow shoes and blaze a path in the woods. Play in the snow even if it's just to make a snowball. Find something, anything, to do outside to help shake off the crazy.

Surround yourself with warmth - light candles, sit by a roaring fire, curl up in a blanket, snuggle with someone you love. Drink your favourite steaming hot beverage. Get out the crock pot for your favourite comfort food. Start reading a good book.

Take the warmth outside - First off, spend the money and get some good winter gear. It will change your life. Seriously. Make a fire outside and roast a few marshmallows. Fill up a thermos with your favourite hot beverage and enjoy it on a winter walk. Roast some chestnuts on the bbq. Set up twinkling lights for some atmosphere. Just get outside!

Enjoy the little things that can make winter special. It will help the colder months pass quickly while making cherished memories along the way. Spend time with family and friends, enjoying their company and easy conversation. Find a winter activity that you love, surround yourself with warmth and take it with you outside.

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