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Creating Community

This month, my theme is all about the Danish concept of Hygee (pronounced hoogah). Hygee is often associated with things that are warm and cozy, but this also includes creating a community that feels good to be part of. Community builds connection. It allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves and turns our focus outward instead of inward. Whether it's in your work place or outside of it, connecting with others is vital.

Find your community: Make the right choices - they say that you become who you surround yourself with. So choose carefully. Dare to be picky - it's important and can have a huge impact on your life. If there are people in your life that only bring you misery, ditch them. Focus your attention on those who bring you joy. Choose to be with people who build you up and fill your cup.

Create your community: Draw it to you - it often takes work to create something really good. So be intentional with the kind of community you want in your life. Search out like minded people and if you can't find the community you long for, create it. Get clear on what you're wanting and be bold enough to step up and create it for yourself.

Nurture your community: Host easy events - or as one of my good friends does, get others to host events for you. This doesn't have to be a big deal. Just put out an invitation for a pot-luck chilli night with your favourite people and keep it simple. We often host weekend pot luck brunches at our house. Because it's mid-morning, it doesn't really matter if everyone brings muffins. The important thing is that we get together with people we really enjoy being around.

Being part of a community allows us to be "more than" and anchors us in a common good. It provides roots and connection. It's also great to spend the winter months in the company of people you really enjoy. So, if you don't have a community of your own, find it, create it and nurture it. The rewards are well worth it.

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