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Get to Your Happy Place

As much as I was talking about warm and cozy things last month, it was, in part, to help me deal with that fact that what I really love is warm weather and sunshine. Give me a palm tree, soft sand and blue water and I'm in my happy place. Don't get me wrong, I love all that Canadian winters have to offer, but I'm truly the most happy with my toes in the sand.

So five friends and I took a five day holiday to the Turks and Caicos at the end of last month. It didn't happen overnight. We started planning it last fall and had actually been talking about it for about four years. We all left jobs, capable husbands and our small children behind to completely unplug from responsibilities on beautiful white sand beaches. Here's what I learned from that.

Intentions come to fruition - making the trip happen in the first place aside, about a week prior to our trip, the six of us sat down and created a list of what would make our trip a success. There were some silly things on it and also things all of us really wanted. And they all happened (imagine), including a private yoga class on the beach. Being intentional and writing things down really works. Make it happen, make the moments count.

Get to your happy place - wouldn't it be amazing to jump on a plane and head to an exotic destination every time we needed to unwind? I know that's not realistic for most of us, but if that means posting a picture of your favourite place as a screen saver or background on your phone instead, then do it. Get the image in front of your eyes. Daydream about it and imagine what it feels like to be there. Soak in the energy and let it be part of your being. Even if you can't go there whenever you want, you can 'be' there in other ways.

True Rejuvenation lasts - being able to really, truly unplug and relax in a space that required nothing of me gave me such a deep sense of calm and rejuvenation. I'm still carrying that with me weeks after - even in drizzly weather and snow (read my previous blogs about Hygee) I feel so filled up.

It's easier to get to your happy place than you think. Being intentional and getting there any way you can will give you lasting rejuvenation (or at the very least, an amazing coping mechanism between fabulous trips.)

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