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Puff of Smoke - don't let this happen to your 'why'

Does it sometimes feel like you're going in to work in a cloud of smoke? Not sure why you're going and what your purpose is? Most of us start a new career or job with optimism and energy, excited about what we can bring to the position and the difference we can make in the company or in the world. And then slowly, over time, our initial vision can become clouded by the sometimes mundane daily required tasks, complicated structure of the organization or the organizational culture itself.

What do you do when it feels like the dreams you had for a job have all but gone up in smoke? Inevitably, if this happens, a new job search begins or we begin looking for where the "grass is greener". We lose sight of our 'why' and become disconnected to how our daily contributions impact a bigger picture.

“There are only two ways to influence human behaviour: you can manipulate it, or you can inspire it. Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do."

- Simon Sinek

Sometimes our 'why' can get clouded behind all the other 'to-do's' on our list. Preparing for programs we're going to deliver, filling product orders, meeting with clients, building our business, reviewing the finances, not to mention taking care of our families and our health.

So how do we hold on to our 'why' and not let it disappear into thin air? Here are three simple tips to get you started;

Be Authentic - People will believe you. Authenticity is invaluable when working with others. People can sense when someone is being truly genuine.

Share your 'why' - People will connect to you if you can articulate what lights you up. Sharing your 'why you do what you do' is more important than what you do.

Recruit others - There is substance to having a why instead of what and people will get behind you. Sharing something people can believe in and support for their own reasons grows your support network and keeps the 'why' alive.

If you aren't connected to your own reason for pouring your heart and soul into your work, your effort will just seem like a puff of smoke. There one minute, gone the next with nothing substantial to hold on to. Figure out your why, be authentic, share it and get others on board to keep your 'why' alive.

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