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Are you sabotaging your Success and Happiness?

Do you want more ease and flow in your life?

Shirzad Chamine from Positive Intelligence explains how we sabotage ourselves daily in 3 main areas 👇

👉 Performance

👉 Wellness/Happiness

👉 Relationships

He explains the neuroscience-based research approach for how we move from self-sabotage to self-mastery.

There are 10 types of "Saboteurs" (see the image below for 9 of them - the 10th is the judge saboteur that I posted about yesterday). These saboteurs hold us back with negative mental patterns.

Here is his 3-step process to overcome our saboteurs

1) Intercept the "saboteurs" 💪 - recognize which ones are most present for you and how they show up

2) Power up the "sage brain" 🧠 - use "10 second PQ" reps to tap into your sage

3) Choose a "sage response" ✔️

I've helped my coaching clients recognize their saboteurs for years and I love this simple approach to train our minds for increased mental fitness.

Changing our responses and mental mindset takes work, and it can have an immensely positive impact on our success and happiness.

Which saboteurs show up most for you? How do you quiet them to make choices that align for you?


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