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Benefits of Gratitude

When we’re grateful, it increases our serotonin levels which produces dopamine - the pleasure chemical for our brain. 🧠 Positive, grateful thoughts result in us feeling healthier and happier. 😀

I regularly practice finding 3 things every day that I'm grateful for. Typically, my gratitude revolves around my

⚕️ Health

💗 Family and friends

🏡 Basic needs being met

It hasn't been the easiest year for me, but I am still overflowing with gratitude for so many things, big and small, this season. When I reflect on the last year in my career, I'm grateful for these things;

Re-connecting with colleagues and making many new connections

Attending the Summit and growing my impact design approach to behaviour change

Completing The Change Leadership Accelerator Course

Achieving a PCC designation with International Coaching Federation

Obtaining my Leadership Circle Profile® Certification

Joining the Positive Intelligence® community and running my own 6 week programs

Creating a 6 part, conversation led Resilience Program based on thought leader approaches

Joining the Radiant. team as an executive coach

Supporting Glass of Learning Inc. with Leadership Development programs and coaching

Writing over 70 LinkedIn posts since May

Try to find the light even in the darkest hours. You never know what might be just around the corner.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season, with gratitude and much love.



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