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Context Trumps Content Every Time

Translating Content into Action = Lasting Change

Learning isn’t about the content. More accurately, it’s not about the volume of content.

Data from over 2,000 organizations that have worked with @Actionable consultants indicates that learning programs should be 1/3 content and 2/3 application or context of that content.

There are 2 key parts to creating lasting change from a learning program.

1) Retention – remembering what you learned

2) Enacting change – taking action on what you learned

To act on a new concept, we need to remember it and also see the personal relevance to us. The so what? How does this connect to me and what can I do about it?

When delivering new content to others, keep it bite sized and use an approach that helps people understand it in their own context.

Use an approach that asks:

What? What is the information, new concept, idea?

So What? How does this apply to the individuals involved?

Now What? What do we commit to doing differently to achieve a new result?

Are you looking for content or are you looking for outcomes? What kind of impact do you want to achieve and what behaviours will support that result?

When it comes to inspiring action from new learning, context will trump content every time.


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