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Leadership = genuinely checking in with people

The New Year leave people feeling like a deflated balloon 😞and the post-holiday blahs are not uncommon. January 16th is known as the gloomiest day for many – Blue Monday. 💙

We should be genuinely checking in with people on a regular basis, but it might be a good idea to take a little extra time today to do that. Here are some things you could try.

❓Ask curious questions

  • “What did you do over the weekend or last night?”

  • “What are you looking forward to today or this week?”

  • “How are you really doing?”

  • You could also try, ‘I’m curious if you would feel comfortable telling me if and when you’re not fine?’ because I’m available to talk.”

👂Sincerely Listen

  • Concentrate completely on the other person

  • Listen to what they say

  • Notice the tone of their voice

  • Take in their gestures and body language

  • Keep silent until they have finished

  • Avoid giving advice unless they ask for it

  • Reflect back what you heard to ensure it’s accurate.

  • Ask follow-up questions

💗It might mean the world to someone today. 🌎


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