Leadership = Optimizing your Energy Reserve
We only have so much energy to spend in a day. If we don’t pay attention to how we’re spending that energy, we’re at risk of negatively impacting our productivity or worse, burning out completely.
I know for myself that I am most productive at the start of my day.
If I use that time for answering emails, instead of waiting until later in the day when I have less energy, I waste precious productivity time.
If I’m trying to write, or develop program content, or work on a complicated project, it’s best if I do it in the morning. By mid-afternoon, I’m toast.
In her book, Hustle and Float, Rahaf Harfoush talks about 3 ways to Optimize Your Energy Reserve
🧠Reframe the way we approach performance – not all job tasks are created equal (e.g. responding to emails versus creating a presentation)
🤔 Identify your most productive times of day – are you a night owl or an early bird? Use those times for tasks that need high cognitive attention
📅 Plan how you will invest your energy, how you’ll replenish it and how you’ll spend it
If you work in a way that is designed for your body and your peak performance times, your success, productivity, happiness, and relationships will all improve.