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Move Over Old Habits - Say ‘no’ to make room for ‘yes’

When creating a new habit, it’s important to think about what you need to say no to. To use the metaphor of a plate of food, if you just keep piling new food on top without clearing the old food off, the new stuff will just slide off the plate.

To make a new habit stick, you need to clear out some of the old ones so that the new ones have space to flourish and take hold.

Old habits are under everything, so we need to get brutally honest about the behaviours we currently have that aren’t serving our bigger goals.

You could think about it like this – what are the pros and cons of your status quo?

If you don’t change anything, what will that get you?

Maybe you’re ok with how things are, but if you’re not, and you really want to make a change, then get clear on what you need to start saying no to, so that you can say yes to the new.

What old habits do you need to clear off to make room for more impactful ones?


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