Re-fill Your Holiday Fuel Tank
Overload, overwhelm, stress and anxiety can really build this time of year. Scheduling frequent recovery time on a regular basis can go a long way to building our capacity to be resilient in challenging times.
According to Tal Ben-Shahar, there are 3 types of recovery activities:
1) Micro recovery - (minutes/hours) something you do every hour or two (eg. deep breathing for 30 seconds every 2 hours)
2) Mezzo recovery - (nights/day) something you do every day or night to recover (eg. Sleeping or lying down for a rest)
3) Macro recovery - (weeks/months) something you do every week (eg. a day off) or month (eg. Mini getaway)
Here are 2 examples of how I’ve been building in recovery time during this busy season (using this ever-successful habit building by approach):
When the kids get to bed
Instead of sitting and scrolling on my phone
I will do some gentle yoga to prepare myself for a good night’s sleep.
When I take a break from client work
Instead of checking my emails,
I will cultivate quiet time by taking a short walk without my phone.