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The 3 R's of Behaviour Change

Changing a habit can be hard, but a little planning with these 3 key elements can make it a lot easier. 🧠Reminders - Life is full and busy. In the chaos and deluge of our daily information overload, we need to have a system in place to remind us about what we're trying to shift. Push notifications, screensaver reminders, a photo on our wall or a piece jewellery can all help flag our minds about what we need to do. 🔁 Repetition - we need to do things on a regular basis if we want things to change. Design your change around things you already repeatedly do everyday - do squats while you're brushing your teeth - write in a journal while having a morning coffee - add greens to your lunch and dinner 🕯️Rituals - when we repeatedly do things, we create neuropathways in our brains that form new habits (eg. drinking water before a meal, choosing grapes instead of cookies, or managing our emotional responses differently). Here's an example of how to build a new behaviour into your life. (Reminder ) When I drink my morning coffee, (Reminder) Instead of jumping into my emails, (Repetition and Ritual) I will journal about what I'm grateful for. I started using a new journal for this 2 minute morning ritual to make the experience more enticing. This helps set me up with a positive mindset for the day and reminds me to connect to my daily tasks with more ease and flow. What are you wanting to shift? Where do you need to create a structure for behaviour change? #leadershipdevelopment #behaviourchange #positivemindset #leadershipcoaching


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