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Tiny Habits = Big Impact

In his book, Tiny Habits, @BJ Fogg talks about the 3 ways that change happens.

🎆 1. Having an epiphany

🏖️ 2. Changing your environment

🤏 3. Changing habits in tiny ways

His research supports that tiny habits are the most likely way to create sustained change over time. It’s not the number of days you do it or doing one thing at a time. What’s important is how small it is.

He uses a 3-step process to plant the right seeds in the right places so that they can grow without persuasion.

1. Make it tiny – laughably small things can add up to huge progress

2. Find a spot – look at your current routines and find a place to put the new habit

3. Train the cycle – practice the new habit and reward yourself for doing it

Here’s an example of how I use this framework with my clients to help them develop new habits that will have lasting impact.

When I (finding the spot) sign off on an email,

Instead of (old habit) just clicking send,

I will (new, tiny habit) take 10 seconds to consider the person I’m sending it to.

Then tell yourself, “Triumph! I’m improving.” Mentally rewarding yourself for your habits will help train the behaviour.

Don’t beat yourself up if it’s not working. Look at the structure and modify things until you start to gain traction. Before you know it, it will feel effortless.

Laughably small can build to huge rewards. What do you have to lose?


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