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Top Three Things Peak Performers Do – Focus, Find, Feedback

Performing at a high level requires certain vital factors. In the webinar "Practical Leadership", led by @Joel Bennett, he and his guest speaker @Shawn Shephard talked about what peak performers do that helps them rise to the top.

1) Focus - Own your schedule – ensure that the most important things are in your calendar and stick to them. Let the schedule run your day, not everyone else. Focus on what matters most and say no to distractions.

2) Find - Have the courage to Say “I Don’t Know” and ask for help – have a beginner's mind that everything is possible. Find answers and learn what you need to move forward faster.

3) Feedback - Have regular feedback loops for continuous improvement – have a weekly review at minimum. Look at your three wins, your most significant challenges and one thing you’ll do differently in the following week.

BONUS: On Monday, get clear on what success will look like on Friday. Then review it on Friday.

What were three wins?

What are your most significant challenges?

What ONE thing will you commit doing differently for the week ahead?

Rinse and repeat.


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