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Transformation = having the courage to stay with our emotions

Deep emotion is transient – emotions need to move or they get stuck.

We need to let them move through us, so they don’t get trapped.

I regularly have coaching calls with clients where deep emotions surface. Frequently they are apologetic and try to damn the tears bursting from their eyes.

They often acknowledge that this was stopping them from speaking their truth in difficult conversations because they are afraid their emotions will overtake them.

Consequently, they frequently shut down and disengage when things feel hard. I know I've done this at times too.

💪I invite my clients to have the courage to stay with the emotion on our call and examine what it feels like in their body and what it looks like. It’s sometimes described as a tightness in their chest or a burning sensation or a heaviness.

🔥I recently used the analogy of a heart bursting into flames to capture the feeling of the emotion.

😮‍💨 We focus on it and take deep, deep breaths. We let it be what it is.

Our breath is our lifeline. It gives us life and calms our sympathetic nervous system. It’s one way to help soothe and move emotions.

Have enough care and empathy for yourself to find the space to let your emotions move.

🧠 Know it – pay attention to what brings emotions to the surface for you.

📛Name it – notice and describe the physical sensations of the emotion.

🫶Tame it – breathe into the emotion and let it move.

Be kind to yourself and others. We all carry unknowable pain. And there is always a gift and opportunity in everything.


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